Thinking Banner

Another free poster ready for you to download.
Click on the image to download (requires a free registration here).
If you require a variation on one of these posters (or an original one) we have a very cheap design service that can be used here. Just fill out details and you will receive a poster similar in quality to those illustrated here.
War WW2 WWii Banner Topic

Tourism Banner for Integrated Inquiry
16/08/11 10:37 Filed in: Free Banners | Social-Sciences
We have a couple of banners for a tourism inquiry unit, the latest new one and an older one focusing on New Zealand tourism. We also have setup an integrated unit theme at our sister site to give you ideas for activities, lesson or unit plans and ideas for integrated learning.
Our latest banner for this topic makes a great display on your wall. Enjoy! Requires free registration here.
Our latest banner for this topic makes a great display on your wall. Enjoy! Requires free registration here.
Cyber Digital Citizenship Banner

Papermaking Banner Topic

Paper-making is a wonderful science, social-sciences topic to explore for your inquiry. Our latest banner for this makes a great display on your wall. Enjoy! Requires free registration here.
NZ Kiwiana Culture Banner
16/07/11 14:43 Filed in: Free Banners | Social-Sciences

Culture is a wonderful social-sciences topic to explore for your inquiry. Our latest banner for this is highlighting New Zealand (culture, kiwiana). Contains a Wordle that has a range of kiwiana words. Enjoy! Requires free registration here. Here is our in2edu Kiwiana social-sciences integrated inquiry topic.