Values and Character Education Banners
Our latest posters to support a values program in a school. We have a large range of banners on various values words that can also be used in a citizenship programme or values programme found here (choose the “Health and Values” section).This download requires free registration which can be obtained easily here.

If you require a variation on one of these posters (or an original one) we have a very cheap design service that can be used here. Just fill out details and you will receive a poster similar in quality to those illustrated here.

If you require a variation on one of these posters (or an original one) we have a very cheap design service that can be used here. Just fill out details and you will receive a poster similar in quality to those illustrated here.
Communication, Collaboration, Creativity, Creative Thinking Poster
05/01/13 07:32 Filed in: Thinking Metacognition | Free Posters
A poster outlining 4’cs of what a pupil can focus on: communication, creativity, collaboration and critical thinking. A way to highlight important 21st Century skills and key competencies.
Another free poster ready for you to download. Enjoy this poster for your writing, literacy or just general thinking in your class.
Click on the image to download (requires a free registration here).
We have a large range of thinking posters found here.. choose the thinking section.
If you require a variation on one of these posters (or an original one) we have a very cheap design service that can be used here. Just fill out details and you will receive a poster similar in quality to those illustrated here.
Another free poster ready for you to download. Enjoy this poster for your writing, literacy or just general thinking in your class.
Click on the image to download (requires a free registration here).
We have a large range of thinking posters found here.. choose the thinking section.
If you require a variation on one of these posters (or an original one) we have a very cheap design service that can be used here. Just fill out details and you will receive a poster similar in quality to those illustrated here.
RATS - Read all the Screen
Our latest poster to support reading and the I.C.T. 1:1 programme in a school. Click on the image to download (requires a free registration here). We have a large range of thinking posters found here.. choose the thinking section.
If you require a variation on one of these posters (or an original one) we have a very cheap design service that can be used here. Just fill out details and you will receive a poster similar in quality to those illustrated here.
If you require a variation on one of these posters (or an original one) we have a very cheap design service that can be used here. Just fill out details and you will receive a poster similar in quality to those illustrated here.
Disasters - Flight, Freeze or Fight.
12/05/12 14:55 Filed in: Free Banners | Social-Sciences

Disasters… belonging to Christchurch N.Z. means you know a little bit about earthquakes. Since September 4th 2010, at the time of writing we have had 10379 earthquakes, and as I wrote this another (3.9M and 5km deep) shook the house.. the biggest in a while. ( See http://www.christchurchquakemap.co.nz/ for details.). So we decided to look into disasters in our school a little more. Click on the image above for the banner for our unit or here (to download get a free registration here). Our sister site in2edu.com has a rich inquiry topic based on this here.
Junior deBono 6Hats
More 6Hats posters... fresh, new, free support for metacognition, thinking and learning. Each hat of the set has a one word image and have easy prompts for junior pupils in the school - they print great in colour. Simply download and print, laminate for permanence.
ICT Motivation and Focus Poster
02/04/11 21:04 Filed in: I.C.T. | Free Posters
I use this poster to help motivate the boys in our school to focus on using their ICT Tools for focused learning. If they catch on they won’t create what I call, “Candy-Floss” Inquiry Projects (look good but no learning and thinking substance). Enjoy. Check out in2edu.com for more ICT Resources and the ICT Sections of our Banners, Awards and more Posters.
New banners and awards
02/12/10 21:08 Filed in: Thinking Metacognition | Free Banners
Questioning... starting thinking Connections
21/04/09 17:20 Filed in: Free Posters | Thinking Metacognition

Key Competencies NZ, Solo Thinking Taxonomy
15/04/09 21:47 Filed in: Free Posters | Thinking Metacognition
Three new posters have been added in our posters section: Key Competencies is a simplified version in A3 form to help pupils in the middle school area, pick up on their next steps in terms of competencies to pick up. Also added two posters about SOLO taxonomy, a way of teaching pupils to think about the topics, questions and learning they are doing and to feedback on the level of their learning. A great idea to help pupils be more constructive when analysing their own success criteria and those of others. Choose the “Thinking and Learning” Section to reveal these new additions.
What a Learner Looks Like
05/01/13 07:32 Filed in: Thinking Metacognition | Free Posters
What do you think a learner should look like?
It is about a journey, asking questions, connecting and communicating, being a creator not just a consumer and much more. This free poster opens up a world of positive ideas and thoughts about what a learner looks life.
Here is a poster that helps learners to think about themselves. Click on the image to download (requires a free registration here).
We have a large range of thinking posters found here.. choose the thinking section.
If you require a variation on one of these posters (or an original one) we have a very cheap design service that can be used here. Just fill out details and you will receive a poster similar in quality to those illustrated here.
It is about a journey, asking questions, connecting and communicating, being a creator not just a consumer and much more. This free poster opens up a world of positive ideas and thoughts about what a learner looks life.
Here is a poster that helps learners to think about themselves. Click on the image to download (requires a free registration here).
We have a large range of thinking posters found here.. choose the thinking section.
If you require a variation on one of these posters (or an original one) we have a very cheap design service that can be used here. Just fill out details and you will receive a poster similar in quality to those illustrated here.
The 5W's: Who, What, Where, Why, When?
05/01/13 07:32 Filed in: Thinking Metacognition | Free Posters
The 5 W’s: Who, what ,when, why, where in a modern poster with snazzy graphics. Another free poster ready for you to download. Enjoy
A poster for your writing, literacy or just general thinking in your class.
Click on the image to download (requires a free registration here).
We have a large range of thinking posters found here.. choose the thinking section.
If you require a variation on one of these posters (or an original one) we have a very cheap design service that can be used here. Just fill out details and you will receive a poster similar in quality to those illustrated here.
A poster for your writing, literacy or just general thinking in your class.
Click on the image to download (requires a free registration here).
We have a large range of thinking posters found here.. choose the thinking section.
If you require a variation on one of these posters (or an original one) we have a very cheap design service that can be used here. Just fill out details and you will receive a poster similar in quality to those illustrated here.